Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Another collection of classy covers from the Unwell paperback collection.


"Hey! Watch where you're putting your hands!"

Bites?....sucks more like.

Next up, Ms. Marple takes on Josef Fritzl.

Well that's one way of separating conjoined twins.

I really don't have the words
(but possibly the cash to buy the film rights).

What's more terrifying, a spooky skeleton spinning
a giant match or that pube like perm?

Beware the shoddily drawn beast in the garage!

"Laugh now!"

Water shit down.

Now this is just wrong (and coming from
me that must tell you something).

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

from me to you.


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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

milly crestmouth!

Presenting my top five favourite Christmas albums.






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Monday, October 6, 2008

price line.

Seeing as it's nearly Halloween here's horror icon (and my fave actor) Vincent Price in a few of the rare occasions that he sold out for the corporate dollar to advertise some quality products.











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Thursday, October 2, 2008

(half) wit and wisdom (teeth).

When I was a small boy most of my weekends were spent sleeping over at my grandparents with Saturday nights consisting of sitting up late with my granddad on the sofa watching the black and white Universal horror double bill on BBC 2 whilst sipping hot chocolate. Ahhhh those days were fab! It was one of those weekend afternoons that I first came across this movie, my nan, being a Norman Wisdom fan had decided to watch it (believe it or not she's on first name terms with Brucie and, gulp, Max Bygraves-perhaps that's where my comedy genes come from-who knows). Sitting there playing with my Mego Star Trek figures behind the sofa I was dragged kicking and screaming into a world of swinging, drugs and a comedy legends saggy arse. So, when I stumbled across this gem on DVD I knew I had to face my fears.... This is my survivors story.

What's Good for the Goose (AKA Girl Trouble, What's Good for the Gander, 1969)
Dir: Menahem Golan
Cast: Norman Wisdom, Sally Geeson, Sarah Atkinson, Sally Bazely and Terence Alexander.

Short arsed, slack haired merchant banker Timothy Bartlett (Wisdom) finds his life in a deep dark rut, he hates his job, his busy (and busty) wife Margaret (Sally Bazely) ignores him and he feels his life has passed him by.

All that changes tho' when his boss is taken ill leaving Timothy as the only person that can take his place at a high powered seaside conference for important banking types.

Driving down to Southport (or is it up?), Timbo gives a lift to a couple of girlie hitch-hikers, the raven haired, button nosed Nikki (top 60's strumpet Geeson) and her best friend Meg (the not as strumpety, more mumsy Atkinson).

The girls take pity on Tim, seeing him as a wild spirit that needs set free, so decide to introduce him to the way out 1960's psychedelic world of groovy discotheques, dodgy drugs, free love, top pop combo The Pretty Things (man) and (for the love of God no) skinny dipping.

Geeson: You would, twice. Even tho' you may be thinking of her sister in Inseminoid.

Timothy finds his true self and experiences joys and passions he'd never imagined before...but everything starts to go wrong when he finds himself falling in love with Nikki.

Thigh son!

I always reckon that if it's your dream to make a serious film about human relationships, mid-life fears and one mans breakdown you could do worse than watch this movie for inspiration.

I mean, when you think of films like Love Story, Kramer vs. Kramer and Sophie Choice you have to admit that the one thing they all lack (and it's one thing that makes them lesser movies) is a barrage of jokes so awful even Talbot Rothwell would balk at the thought of using them and a sweaty comedy star mugging their way thru' the lead role.

Wisdom: Nipples like bullets.

If there's ever a point in time where the British film industry began to collapse in on itself it's with the release of this movie.

From here on in Holiday on the Buses, Carry On Emanuelle and Cannon and Ball's The Boys in Blue beckon...

Wisdom must take the majority of the blame tho' seeing as not only does he headline but he co-wrote and produced what appears to be nothing more than an excuse for him to get his kit off, smoke crack and fondle young ladies breasts for our viewing pleasures.

It's like an ITV sitcom version of The Bad Lieutenant but one where it's the audience violated rather than a nun.

Beware the judder man.

The weirdest thing about the film tho' must be seeing Menahem Golan actually directing a movie rather than producing cut price shite and using the majority of the investors cash to run guns into world trouble spots (strange but true).

Golan who later went on to form Cannon Films, makers of such classics as Superman IV: The Quest for Peace and Tobe Hooper's Invaders from Mars remake (plus bankrolling most of his 80's output-says a lot really) has the directing style of a low rent Richard (Hard Days Night, the other Superman II) Lester but without any of that that directors deft comedy touch, relying on hand cranked comedy chases, Sally Geeson's (undoubtedly nice I'll grant you) breasts and groovy (if it were 1966) crash zoom cum lava lamp effects.

"Are we there yet?"

Even by the worst 60's 'yoof' film standards the characters are mere ciphers - Nikki and Meg are feeble cardboard cut out wank fantasies for podgy, middle age men everywhere (I'm just surprised that they don't shag each other during the film seeing as that's the only free love cliche missing) and their characterizations consist of thus: Nikki: cute, dark hair, sometimes pigtailed, smokes pot, sleeps under piers, shags men. Meg: Blonde, leggy, smokes pot, sleeps under piers, shags men.


Geeson: Shoes.

Sally Bazely as Norman's wife fairs no better, veering wildly from frigid ice queen to overly affectionate MILF without rhyme nor reason.

Her character is just there and never changes throughout the entire movie; after all the drugs and shagging she turns up for the films final third when the 'plot' takes on a bizarre twist revolving around Timothy's attempts to persuade his wife to stop wearing curlers and flouncy 'baby doll' nighties to bed and maybe dress a wee bit more like a tart and never even finds out about his affair.

 Just when you think the film is going to say something deep or reflect on Wisdom's characters predicament someone drops their trousers or falls over.

It's bizarre to think that after the burlesque joy of The Night They Raided Minsky's that Sir Norm decided to make a lowbrow poverty row sex comedy for no reason it seems other than to take advantage of the UK's newly-relaxed cinema censorship laws and to give himself a chance to ogle some young, firm tottie.

Nice work if you can get it tho'.

Luckily (for him) Wisdom's Dementia means he's now likely to have forgotten ever making this debacle tho' for us it will remain burned onto our memories forever.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

start the month...

...as you mean to go on.


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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

people you fancy but shouldn't (part six).

The fantastically footweared Kirstie Allsopp.

Nuff said.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

johnny be good.

For the ladies (and a fair few gents) here's B-movie icon and father of Nancy Thompson, John Saxon as a (very) young man.

You would.



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Saturday, August 30, 2008



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Friday, August 8, 2008

daily male.

If you're suffering from a touch of the blues why not head on over to the webs(h)ite of the permanently morally outraged film critic for that bastion of liberal views (for anyone reading outside the UK that was ironic) the Daily Mail, Christopher Tookey.

Tookey: multi-chinned
moralistic moaner.

It’s called Tookey’s Film Guide (original I know) and it's fantastic search engine enables you to have hours of fun checking thru' his reviews for films that he reckons will corrupt us all and which the Guardian reading liberals of the BBFC should be put up against a wall and shot for allowing thru' the countries moral decency net.

Pearls of wisdom from Mr. Tookey include…

On David Cronenberg’s Crash:

Though I am not normally in favour of banning movies, I couldn’t see how the British Board of Film Classification could - with even an appearance of consistency - award Crash an 18 certificate.

Rosanna Arquette's arse and a pair ofcalipers?
What's not to love?

On Eli Roth’s Hostel:

Many people seem baffled as to why we are raising a generation of desensitized yobs, who see nothing wrong with torture and mutilation, and indeed use these things to foster a bizarre, and evil, sense of community. Barely a week goes by without some new, real-life horror – most recently, the revolting, mindless attack by six youths who abducted, raped and stabbed to death Maryann Leneghan.

Allison Pearson posed one question in the Mail on Wednesday Who are these people? But it seems to me that an even more important question is Why do these people think they can act this way?”

This film is not worthy of an 18 certificate, for it is not suitable for audiences of 48 and over, let alone those aged 18, but it will be seen by millions of people – including children on whom it will make an indelible impression.

Hostel: yes we know it's shite,
but for completely different reasons.

I asked at the start why violent yobs think they can act this way. It is also relevant to inquire who is encouraging their culture of sadism.

Well, let me name names. One is this film’s writer-director, Eli Roth. Another is Takeshi Miike, who contributes a cameo performance to Hostel. A third is Roth’s mentor, Quentin Tarantino, who also appears briefly in the film, and enabled it to be made and released by being its Executive Producer.

Serious questions should be asked of Mr Roth, but I would like to know what Sony Pictures are doing releasing such a picture. Is making money their only motivation? Have they no shame? No sense of social responsibility? No values?

I would also like to know who, apart from our pusillanimous and negligent censors, thinks this kind of evil, pernicious trash truly warrants an 18 certificate.


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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

how to look a complete spocka (part one).

The greatest piece of Star Trek merchandise ever?


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Thursday, July 24, 2008

people you fancy but shouldn't (part five).

Pippa Wired from the classic (but never reprinted) Philip Bond strip Wired World. I hate to admit it but I once dated someone because they looked quite similar.

Sad eh?

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

a taste of roger moore....

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Friday, July 4, 2008

fight club.

The ultimate toy team-up?


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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

handy bendy mandy.

All The Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006).
Dir: Jonathan Levine
Cast: Amber Heard, Michael Welch, Whitney Able, Aaron Himelstein, Melissa Price, Luke Grimes, Anson Mount and Edwin Hodge.

"Since the dawn of Junior year, men have tried to possess her ... and failed."


Blonde haired, blue eyed professional virgin (with a very local nose) Mandy (Heard) is the most lusted after girl in high school. Every boys dream, she's athletic, friend to geeks and jocks alike and kind to loners and animals, even going so far as to be bezzie buds with the spotty, bowl haired uber-emo Emmet (Welch looking like a young Nathan Fillion only slightly less southern).

Wild haired wide boy and full time token rich Jewish boy Red (Himelstein) helpfully explains to his pals (and us) that all the boys do, in fact, love Mandy Lane.

Glad that's sorted then.

Later that evening at the token jock-boy's pool party (alas no Aquabats live set tho') everything seems to be going swimmingly until Emmet persuades the muscled lunk to throw himself off the roof to impress Mandy.


Fast forward nine months and Mandy (now with and added haunted charm) is no longer friends with Emmet, chosing to spend her time with the aforementioned Red, bad-boy Deppalike Jake (Grimes), the pill poppin' shaky as fuck blonde Chloe (Able), weight obsessed Marlin (Price) and the hunktastically polite black athlete, Bird (Hodge).

The group are planning a fun weekend away on Red's family ranch (told you he was rich), Mandy is excited about her first sleepover with her new friends but the guys are more excited about who will be the first to 'pop her cherry' as they say.

But a mysterious interloper is determined to make their weekend to remember a bloody nightmare to dismember....

The Famous Five decided to change their staid
image by replacing Timmy the dog
with a pig in knickers
(you can decide which).

After sitting on the shelf longer than the really ugly geek boy at a school disco (and believe me I should know) director Jonathan Levine's love letter to 'old skool' seventies slasher pics has finally surfaced from it's (Dimension Films induced) limbo hell.

And gosh was it worth the wait.

After months of hyped yet ultimately disappointing horror fayre (yes I mean you Teeth and Outpost) being thrust upon us like a never ending parade of lust hungry whores it's fantastic (and a tad surprising) to finally find one that delivers on it's promise of thrills, chills and buckets of blood.

Beware the tiny digits of Jimmy Krankie...

Levine, alongside writer Jacob Foreman have crafted an intelligent, beautifully told (and downright nasty in places) tale of teen angst, peer pressure and mental murderers that slashes and dices it's way to the top of the corpse ridden pile that is the modern horror film.

Exquisitely shot in a burnt out bleak style reminiscent of, but never aping the gritty realism of Tobe Hooper's original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Mandy Lane delivers so much more than it's (frankly crass) 'Friday the 13th meets The O.C.' tagline could ever suggest. Sitting down to view the movie after hearing promising bits and bobs online for the last year or so (and expecting a fairly painless, plot free, teen friendly slasher at most....at worst something as dire as the abominable Scream) it soon became apparent that a gem of a movie was unfolding before my eyes, Mandy Lane is a genuinely fresh and refreshingly non-ironic retro shocker that has no more complicated an agenda than to deliver ninety minutes of cool bloody mayhem to it's audience.

And frankly, what more could you ask for?

Mandy failed to notice the mutated, flesh
eating Rolo's slowly lumbering toward her.

The young cast cast are uniformly excellent and Anson Mount as Gulf War vet and hang dog handyman Garth, brings an old fashioned charm to his role reminiscent of Charles Cyphers nice guy Sheriff Brackett in the original Halloween (which is praise enough for any actor really).

"Hands on mah cheeks!"

As scary a thought it is, it's actually quite nice in this day and age that someone can come along and make a pretty good slasher movie, the least we can do is make the time to watch it.

You may be pleasantly surprised.

Well, either that or think my minds gone after viewing Sadomaster and Porno Holocaust back to back.

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bats so wrong.

The worlds most ill-designed Batman toy?


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