Monday, February 15, 2010

pieuvre pics.

It's mid-term break here so between rampaging podlings and heavy research into Aryan cattle I've not really had time to watch anything of much consequence recently.

But I have come across (quite literally in some cases) even more of those family friendly funny foreign comics.


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Monday, February 1, 2010

more or hess.

Even more good news for fans of 'the films' here in sunny Scotland.

Following on from the Edinburgh David Hess event it's good old Glasgow's turn to fill it's collective trousers with fright, as this March finds the scrummy Glasgow Film Theatre opening it's (curvaceous) doors and welcoming three cult icons of fear for a weekend of wanton wickedness !

Now pay attention cos here's the science part:

Friday 12th March

A double bill of the very wonderful "House of the Devil" and the original cult Craven classic "Last House on the Left" with special guest 'dangerous' David Hess in attendance doing a Q & A afterwards plus he'll be signing autographs for a small fee (and maybe a wee kiss on the cheek)!

Saturday 13th March

Those oh-so sexy folk at Arrow Films present a Fulci phantasmagoria with "The Beyond" followed by "City of the Living Dead" shuffling undead-like behind it.

And if that wasn't enough, Cult cinema whipping boy Giovanni Lombardo Radice will be attending an after show Q & A alongside the ultimate scream queen herself, Ms. Catriona MacColl.

Why are you still ready this?

Go book your tickets NOW!

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