Tuesday, April 21, 2015

superfly poster guy iv: the crackdown.

Even more fantastic poster art from the wacky world of Ugandan and Ghanan cinema..... 


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Saturday, April 11, 2015

people you fancy but shouldn't (part 52).

With Game of Thrones ready to burst forth onto our screens for a fifth series it's only right that we should honour one of the shows unsung heroines, the uniquely yumsome Gilly as portrayed by Hannah Murray and nominated by Mr Stuart of Dudley.

Easy tiger.

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Thursday, April 2, 2015

son of super fly (poster) guy.

All these tales of the Ugandan film industry have reminded me that it's gone a wee bit quiet recently in my film poster producing country of choice. As regular readers with long memories (and short nails) may remember the Arena has covered the amazing artwork produced to advertise movies released (both legally and otherwise) in Ghana (both here and here) in depth before but I reckon it's about time for some more examples of advertising art at it's best.


And if that's not enough you can find out more about the countries seemingly endless obsession with busty babes (stand up and be counted Anita Acheampong) becoming possessed by demons here.

You can thank me later.

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Coming, well now from the slums of Wakaliga, Uganda's first action movie Who Killed Captain Alex?

NWA: Nabwana With Attitude.

 The movie tells the tale of a massive battle between Ugandan commandos, attack helicopters and the fearsome Tiger Mafia during the aftermath of the death of the aforementioned Captain Alex and is a testament to lofi film-making everywhere that frankly puts most film-makers to shame.

 Produced, written, directed, shot, and edited by Nabwana Isaac Godfrey Geofrey from his home for under £150 and using real blood and a modified car jack for a tripod, WKCA? was shot in two hours - and amidst real gun fire - the day before the film was made available for sale.

Seriously you couldn't make this shit up.

Who Killed Captain Alex? My moneys on the bloke with the massive machine gun.

I could say more but why bother when you can head straight over to the Wakaliwood website and get the full story from associate producer (and sole American in town) Alan Ssali Hofmanis, a man so impressed by Nabwana's work that he upped sticks and moved to Wakaliga to help him in his dream of building a Ugandan Hollywood.

Sirs, the Arena salutes you.

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