Wednesday, September 29, 2021

total bondage!

To celebrate the release (finally) of No Time To Die here's a taster mix of the music from our James Bond bash from many moons ago....enjoy.

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takao's yer uncle.

In tribute to the manga and gekiga artist Takao Saito, the creator of Golgo 13, here are the covers for his little seen Man From UNCLE manga.


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Friday, September 24, 2021


Crikey! Russell T Davies has just been announced as the new/old Doctor Who showrunner (which was a surprise to be sure) which hopefully means he'll finally give us the Doctor Who* we deserve......


" me 'We really arsed it up with Chris Chibnall and really, really need to get the viewers back without showing me we really arsed it up with Chris Chibnall and really, really need to get the viewers back'"....

Is it too early to finally welcome David Burton aboard the TARDIS?

*And before anyone complains his name is Doctor Who.....look:

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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

people you fancy but shouldn't (part 99).

Was (re)watching the Old Grey Whistle Test documentary last night and remembered how much of a huge crush I had on latter day presenter (and former Radio 1 DeeJay) Ro Newton.

Bizarrely she left presenting to become a writer/director and was responsible for Take That's Do What You Like promo as well as editing Just Seventeen magazine.




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Thursday, September 9, 2021

keep on trekkin'.

 A 60 minute adventure across the final frontier of sound to celebrate Star Trek Day.



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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

to bodly go......

Celebrate 55 years of Star Trek with THE greatest Trek waxworks of all time.



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Tuesday, September 7, 2021



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pure zammechat.

Seeing as the film is 50 this year(!) let's take a look back at A Clockwork Orange book covers thru the ages.

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