Monday, June 30, 2008

i also have a toy of it.

Superman's rocket with realistic 'fisting' action.....and just how excited is that wee boy at the thought of having it tried out on him?


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Monday, June 16, 2008

the greatest film never made?

I would pay good money to see this......if only Helen Slater would say yes.


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you wear it well.

Fantastic (and scarily accurate) dress up suits of yesteryear.....I had the Spider-Man one, which did you have?




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Monday, June 9, 2008

looking good with gemser.

Just picked up this lost 'classic', Black Emanuele star (and dirty bag of exotic washing) Laura Gemser's fitness video.

Enjoy these top quality screen grabs!







And to think the kids today have to pleasure themselves over the Natalie (chinny Sonia offa Eastenders) Cassidy one.

Sick isn't it?

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

clark kent: paparazzi scum.


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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

let's kirk some ass.

Big Jim shows who's boss from an issue of the Gold Key Star Trek comic.


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i am me.

Long ago when the universe was less than half it's present size there was a very late Friday night ritual in Unwell towers which involved watching the late lamented Dating Channel and making disparaging comments about the people begging for sex.

Between the amusing Drambue fellow and the scary old Welshman who ran away to London to escape working in the mines was a super suave (his words) 'film director' by the name of Kai Murphy whose intellectual musings (such as repeating "I". for what seemed like an eternity) brought such joy and meaning to our otherwise empty lives.

Well it's been five years but I've finally managed to track this elusive man down and it seems he directed his own Dating Channel segment whilst getting paid to film other peoples the cheeky scamp!

No news on his dream of making 12 different films in 12 different countries (shame on you sir) but he is running his own production company with an amusing name.

You can view his website here and, if you feel that way inclined send him tonnes of email asking why he decided to cancel his (exciting sounding) world wide film project.

Alternatively you can add him on Facebook (he's the first two profiles under Kai Murphy).

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